Jin Shin Jyutsu is an ancient healing art nearly lost to obscurity and is now experiencing a reemergence into mainstream society.
Truly a healing art for modern times, Jin Shin Jyutsu empowers each of us to become masters of our own healing capacity through self-help.
Yes, that’s correct. Jin Shin Jyutsu can be applied to oneself as well as given to others.
Revived by Master Jiro Murai in Japan, Jin Shin Jyutsu through his story is beautiful and miraculous. Through fasting and the application of this healing art, Master Murai experienced healing from a terminal diagnosis.
Jin Shin Jyutsu can help all levels of our Being. Physical, mental, and emotional. You will get an energetic boost, or you may feel centred, calm, and relaxed, empowering you to take a more active role in your own healing process.
Jin Shin Jyutsu Sessions
Each session is unique, as it caters to your needs on that day. The body instinctively knows the best avenues for healing as well as the best order of operations for healing to occur naturally. The body shares its wisdom and sends messages via the pulse, guiding the practitioner to use flows that help restore harmony.
While the pulse may not tell the details of the disharmony, it does give the solutions. I am always impressed by the accuracy of the pulse. There is nothing that can be hidden here.
A session is about 60 minutes and usually involves two to three harmonizing flows. For more intense or acute conditions or traumas (or disharmonies) a person can receive two sessions in a single day, with eight hours in between. Receiving multiples sessions over the course of a few days is highly recommended. Three sessions in three days, for example, is great for clearing out blocked energy and helping the body to maintain a higher frequency of well-being.
Jin Shin Jyutsu promotes relaxation and brings a person into a deeply quiet and meditative space within their being. Sometimes there are big emotional releases or they can feel very calm. There may be something that needs to be released first, in order for the body to move the stuck energy and transmute it for healing. Sessions often reveal tremendous insight to help us in our life, leaving us feeling centred, balanced, and aligned.
Oftentimes the healing begins even before your session, purely from your intention and commitment to set aside time for your own well-being. Then the touch from the practitioner becomes a catalyst for the body to awaken its natural healing capacity. Similar to turning on a switch.